But, now? Now she wants to be an individual. And if a purple pixie cut is her way of doing that, then I will pay whatever it costs, including judging looks from other parents, to let her do that.

People will say I let her run wild. She has rules, and I promise you, she is NOT a rule-breaker. But, you know what? I’m kind of hoping she does run a little wild. I didn’t discover myself until my late twenties because I needed a chance to run a little wild. I’d prefer she not have to go through that.Read More →

I finished reading Prince Lestat a few weeks ago and while there weren’t a ton of dating tips, there was enough of a romance (human, no less) for me to glean some advice. Dating Advice from Prince Lestat It’s helpful if your vampire father, who doesn’t know you exist, randomly saves and raises a human female who is both incredibly sheltered and had more bad stuff happen to her than anyone else in the history of ever. Don’t date your professors. Don’t date crazy men. Don’t date narcissists. This is all one tip because that was all the same guy. Also: avoid Drano. Human beingsRead More →

But, as life got busy, and I spent my time raising kids and working to earn my book money, I realized time also had value. Quite a lot of value, actually. And, then, one day I gave myself permission to quit books. I read avidly. I love reading. And life is too short to not enjoy every word I consume.Read More →

A word is banned from school? From being learned? Do they think if they don’t write it, no one can grow up to become it? Because terrorists don’t think they’re terrorists. (I am so going on a watch list somewhere.) They think they’re good people, righting wrongs, or punishing the evildoers, or some other naive and fanciful and ridiculous thing. But they don’t think they’re the bad people.Read More →

So, it’s anti-bullying month and today is Unity Day, according to the National Bullying Prevention Center. This is an issue I feel strongly about, so I’m blogging today to share my experiences. I don’t specifically remember being bullied in school. I know I had low self-esteem, and I was overweight, and if people were mean to me about that, I guess I sort of believed I deserved it. So, maybe I was and people didn’t talk about it. I remember once a friend of my cousin and a family member (of hers) visiting from out of town rode by me. I was, maybe, eight. WeRead More →

Within a few hours of my notification, the entire site had been suspended. Today, when I went back to the offending post, it’s gone.

Someone did something wrong. And I stood up for myself. And it worked out.

Is it sad, because that happens so rarely, I’m actually shocked?Read More →

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post. I’m not going to tell you which one because… okay, let me tell the story first. So, a post. I publish it and it’s not even about anything (as usual). It’s not even one of my posts that people occasionally find useful (like the one on Kindlefeeder, or The Hero’s Journey in Clash of the Titans, or some of the writing posts). The day after I published it, I caught a weird pingback in my spam filter. I get those all the time when I link to one of my older posts but this one wasn’tRead More →

As mentioned on many occasions, I have become a full on convert to the digital reading experience. However, I still enjoy the occasional magazine (I got suckered into a year’s subscription when my kid was fundraising so she could have a fifty cent toy).

So, I’m scanning through the magazine, and I see this ad.Read More →

A really awesome Paranormal TV show hosted by an even awesomer Landra Graf; a dollhouse that would make Stephen King cry; and badness. Just… movie remake badness.Read More →

This blog is about reading and writing and finding things inappropriately amusing.  (I suffer from inappropriate laughter–it’s a real thing, don’t laugh.  Or do.  If you suffer from it, too.  I won’t judge you.  I’ll probably laugh at you, though.) The Z-word, which I’m not even going to write anymore because it’s taking over my site, is… well, it’s taking over my site. It all started because some stupid scientist who spells his name with a question mark did a study on surviving the Z-word apocalypse.  Which I totally believe will happen and we’re probably all screwed anyway.  We don’t need your research, Mr. Smith?.Read More →