I know it’s the end of May and, shockingly, I’m as disorganized as ever. Still, I’m trying to add some personal essays, along with the random picture post, and (my most popular) writing posts. I know I mentioned a post or two ago, I’m no longer working. That’s a story I’ll share (eventually), but not today. Today (circling back to May / Mother’s Day masterfully) I want to share about my grandmother who gave me a deep, passionate, abiding love of reading. Growing up, my grandmother always had a Harlequin on the table beside where she sat. It was as certain as the sun risingRead More →

I recently decided to jump on the bandwagon and read Hollywood Dirt. I couldn’t put it down until it was all gone. Plus, can you say, “Hot, hot, hot?” The heroine is just a normal girl from the South, so I thought dating advice would be totally helpful from this book (even if the hero is the hottest actor alive). Dating Advice from Romance Novels: Hollywood Dirt Always sleep in your good red panties and leave the front door unlocked. And sleep late, at least until a crazy sexy guy shows up to be overwhelmed by your hotness. Play hard to get. Apparently, that’s theRead More →

I am reading all the Megan Mulry books I can get my hands on (like I do when I discover a new-to-me fave author).  Without further ado, some guidance at looooove. Dating Advice from Romance Novels: If the Shoe Fits Save your v-card for just the right opportunity, then toss it aside for a fling, because that guy might turn out to be the love of your life. It’s really awkward when your dad comes in the morning after. Even when you’re in your twenties. It’s doubly awkward when you bring a fake boyfriend to make your fling jealous, then forget the poor slob to hangRead More →

I read Queen Mab by Kate Danley in less than a day. (BTW, I also read her book The Woodcutter and both are divine.) Naturally, a story with Romeo and Juliet at its center lends one to learn some awesome dating advice. Dating Advice from Romance Novels: Queen Mab Don’t let some dude talk you into moving your sacred bull or other sacred farm animals, because that just makes a whole century-long, life-or-death kind of mess. Don’t make wagers with aforementioned dude-who-already-tricked-you. Clearly, your bitterness will be your undoing. UNLESS, of course, you meet a guy who can only see the good in you becauseRead More →

3. There’s this thing called age-appropriateness. No rule is true in every case, but if someone was pushing four decades when you were born, it’s got to make you wonder what you have in common. For example, my husband and I both grew up in the 80s. So when we run out of things to talk about, we can always rehash old Dukes of Hazard and A-Team episodes.Read More →

If you’re anything like me and most of the planet, you binge-watched House of Cards on Netflix when they debuted the entire season (like they do) in February. Confession: I’ve watched Seasons 1 and 2 three times. Once for each new season because this is a show you have to pay attention to. The smallest detail, especially on the part of Frank or his wife, can mean huge repercussions later. Why are we so obsessed with Francis Underwood and his dirty doings? How is someone so amoral the protagonist of the story? To answer that, we have to talk about anti-heroes. According to dictionary.com anRead More →

This week, I finished Party Girl by Rachel Hollis. It’s true stories of the author’s experiences incorporated into fiction (like The Devil Wears Prada). Dating Advice: Party Girl Don’t bounce between boys (or girls) like a ping-pong ball. It’s just never attractive when someone only likes another someone when the third someone is persona non grata. See how confusing that sentence is? That’s why your love life is confusing. Pick a person. See it through. If it doesn’t work out, I swear you’ll be okay without a back-up. Don’t get drunk with other people you may like and you know like you when you’re heartbroken. IRead More →

I personally think readers are of superior intellect. I mean it takes some gray matter to take in words and transform them in our minds to a living, thriving story made up of people and places we’ve never seen. However, we still get a bad rep. Actually, if we got a bad rep, that might be cool. No, we’re lumped in as nerds (which I also proudly am, but that’s for another day). So, in no particular order, five things people who read are sick of hearing. 1. I’ll just watch the movie. Are you kidding me? Name three movies better than the books. Oh,Read More →

I recently finished Heroes Are My Weakness, by Susan Elizabeth Phillips. SEP, as I and most of the internet like to call her, is my favorite author. I love her messy characters, twisted situations, connections between lovers, friends, and families, and the hilarious bow that ties it all together. It goes without saying, I enjoyed this book and this couple. And, I think, there are a few dating advice gems to glean from this particular story. This DAfRN contains spoilers. Dating Advice from Heroes Are My Weakness Puppets can be wanton, naughty creatures when left to a hero’s devices. You can always trust a manRead More →

I finished reading Prince Lestat a few weeks ago and while there weren’t a ton of dating tips, there was enough of a romance (human, no less) for me to glean some advice. Dating Advice from Prince Lestat It’s helpful if your vampire father, who doesn’t know you exist, randomly saves and raises a human female who is both incredibly sheltered and had more bad stuff happen to her than anyone else in the history of ever. Don’t date your professors. Don’t date crazy men. Don’t date narcissists. This is all one tip because that was all the same guy. Also: avoid Drano. Human beingsRead More →