I described in my last post how full my life has recently become. I won’t complain– I’m thankful for it. Most of the time. And sometimes I do complain, but I try to limit it to those nearest my heart who know I occasionally need to vent. All the same, I need time to write. That has to come first. And so, this blog will be on hiatus until November 1, 2013. Let’s all hope I’ve acquired better time management skills by then. You can still find me @ Heart-Shaped Glasses every month, on the 7th, and on the web elsewhere (see the column on theRead More →

No, seriously. Life is a giant jigsaw puzzle. There’s no picture to guide me (because life doesn’t come all neat, in a box, with a promised finished product), but I’m pretty sure it looks like happy. I took a pass last week on blogging. Life has become very wonderful, and chaotic, for me lately as I try to fit in all the new responsibilities I’ve taken on. Things fall to the side, balls are dropped. I made a decision that I can beat myself up for that or I can decide life is like a puzzle. When you get a puzzle (those of you thatRead More →

My daughter, who is eight, insisted for days that her dad go buy the card you see here for me. There’s nothing here for scale, but the card itself is about two feet tall. It’s a massive card. And, when I saw the envelope, I thought, “Oh, wow. Where am I going to stick that so it doesn’t hurt her feelings?” I know, I’m terrible. But, a mom. A mom who has to figure out what gets kept and where things go if they do. Still, her determination made it much more than a card. That I had to have this card meant something to her, so it meant something to me.

It wasn’t until I saw the inside that I teared up and decided (as I often do) that my kids are amazing.Read More →

I’m blogging over at Heart-Shaped Glasses today about the first book I read that made me want to write romance. It was a Jennifer Crusie book where the heroine can’t…um, finish up what she and the hero start. If you know what I mean. (I feel like I should be winking suggestively here.) Please go check it out and say hi! Storytelling to Take Your Breath AwayRead More →

I can turn anything into a learning experience… C to P: You’re annoying. P: Mom! She called me a name. Me: No, she called you an adjective. It would’ve been more polite, and grammatically correct, if she had said, “You’re being annoying,” but– My Mom: Do you have to turn everything into a grammar lesson? Me: Yes. C and P: Yes. Background: C is my oldest daughter, P is my youngest. I’m one of those people. I don’t mean to be. I correct copy in news articles in my head. The typist at our office refuses to let me near reports, because I rip them apart, addingRead More →

On May 1st, eleven other romance writers and I will be debuting our blog. The title of the blog – Heart-Shaped Glasses – is about the way women who live to write about happily-ever-afters see writing, stories, and the world. I’m honored to be in some extremely talented company writing at this blog. Heart-Shaped Glasses From suspense to sweet or sinfully erotic, or in the past, present or future…we write to entertain our readers. From aspiring to multi-published, we are romance authors, seeing life through our own heart-shaped glasses. Enjoy the view! My posts here will continue on the usual basis (every a lot of Mondays),Read More →

My daughter turned sixteen this month. She asked for a party. She has never asked for a party, much less an event party, such as sixteen would be. Sweet Sixteen.

And, because I can’t ever not overdo and micromanage and perfectionist the hell out of everything–it’s was a big deal.

She wanted a spa party theme sleepover for seven other girls. And so, you see that this would already be somewhat complicated. But, reference the above paragraph.Read More →

Being a writer is hard. First they expect you to learn spealling and grammer and shiz. Then, the whole charcter building and showing and point-of-view. Like, for real, can’t I just tell you what everyone is thinking and doing and feeling? Seems more efficient, if you axe me. So, that’s it. No. More. Writing. I’m out. :) Hope your April Fool’s is going swimmingly.Read More →

A word is banned from school? From being learned? Do they think if they don’t write it, no one can grow up to become it? Because terrorists don’t think they’re terrorists. (I am so going on a watch list somewhere.) They think they’re good people, righting wrongs, or punishing the evildoers, or some other naive and fanciful and ridiculous thing. But they don’t think they’re the bad people.Read More →

So, it’s anti-bullying month and today is Unity Day, according to the National Bullying Prevention Center. This is an issue I feel strongly about, so I’m blogging today to share my experiences. I don’t specifically remember being bullied in school. I know I had low self-esteem, and I was overweight, and if people were mean to me about that, I guess I sort of believed I deserved it. So, maybe I was and people didn’t talk about it. I remember once a friend of my cousin and a family member (of hers) visiting from out of town rode by me. I was, maybe, eight. WeRead More →