Did you ever read a book or, even more appropriately, watch a movie and leave feeling cheated?  Things weren’t resolved?  No payoff?  Not what you expected?  Then, OMG, do I have a site for you.  It’s called, believe it or not, How It Should Have Ended.  Or HISHE, for short.  (I’ve decided to pronounce it His He.) So, go there.  Blair Witch and Twilight were really good.  I’m off to see how It’s a Wonderful Life should’ve ended.Read More →

Today is the last day to get in those 50k words.  As you can see by my word count meter (on the left) I’m not going to make it.  It’s not that I haven’t worked every day; it’s that 1700 words a day doesn’t work in my process.  I have to take notes, then write.  Sometimes I need to brainstorm.  Sometimes it’s a trickle, sometimes it’s a torrential downpour. This blog post by Maggie Stiefvater is a Dear John letter to NaNo.  This is exactly how I feel: You are not a bad concept. You’re a bad concept for me, NaNo. This is why: youRead More →

It’s that time of the month again where we laugh at the fact that no agents or writers or, dream of dreams, readers are visiting my site.  The only ones visiting are those crazy spambots and people making very strange search requests.  Here we go! nix nix Really?  What in the whole world do you need to know about this?  Well, hmm.  Googling revealed that, according to the Urban Dictionary: A middle aged man who plays computer games and has large man Breats. (Nix-Nix-Pix-Nix) That’s actually worse being associated with than I originally thought.  Thanks. a zombie love story, scientific study zombies, zombie love storyRead More →

I wrote a post ages ago about a quiz I took.  I entitled that post “‘You are a saucy flirt!’ –Lake Placid.” I even attributed it to the source, like a good writer.  Since then, every month, I get a hit or three based on a search for a “saucy flirt.”  Seriously.  Who are you, and why are you looking in a search engine for a saucy flirt?  Wait.  Don’t answer that. I also always get visitors from people searching my name.  I’m probably not the Lori Sizemore they’re looking for, but it’s the other Lori’s fault she didn’t have the foresight to buy theRead More →

Okay, this isn’t a well-researched, in-depth look at love or romance or…well, anything.  I’m writing, give me a break.  You don’t tell the muse, “Not now, honey.  I’m busy writing this blog.”  You can totally tell your husband that, but not your muse.  That chick is vindictive and might not show up again for six months.  *I know*. So, for your enjoyment, a very extensive list of endearments for your sweetheart.Read More →

This is not an amusing joke, like Zombie Harmony. This is real, serious research, people. What if zombies were real? What would we have to do to stop the spreading of this “infectious disease?” Some nuggets of wisdom.  You know, just in case. Professor Robert Smith? (the question mark is part of his surname and not a typographical mistake) and colleagues wrote: “We model a zombie attack using biological assumptions based on popular zombie movies. Okay, well, as long as it’s based on biological assumptions garnered watching movies. To give the living a fighting chance, the researchers chose “classic” slow-moving zombies as our opponents ratherRead More →

I recently wrote a post about my friend, Lea, and the anniversary of her passing. The post was more for me than anyone else. Crasty said: I added your blog to bookmarks. And i’ll read your articles more often! He commented again with: Valuable thoughts and advices. I read your topic with great interest. Really, Crasty?  Perhaps you should unbookmark me then, because I very rarely write about the death of close friends or even very personal topics.  Maybe you would enjoy Virtual Memorials a bit more. A couple of weeks ago, in a very short post consisting of three links and the word awesomeRead More →

I’d love to have this book. (Makes a note to add to Amazon wishlist).  I’ve been reading the bitches for a couple of years now and I love them.  They’re funny “like damn and whoa,” they have awesome commenters, they call their readers the bitchery, and they’ve got something to say.  We shouldn’t be ashamed of loving our romances.  Hold those Fabio covers up proudly and proclaim to the world, “Yes, I am a smart bitch and I freaking love trashy novels!” Found: A video made by assorted pubbed romance authors endorsing the greatness of their book (above).Read More →

I think that I’ve outgrown pop quizzes.  They were all about doing something fun and delving into different aspects of romance, but they were more flash than substance.  Also, while completely random and silly, they were still personal, in that they were about me.  And why do you care if I kiss like a woman or what movie my love life is like? So, from now on, Saturdays will be the day that I discuss romance*.  Sometimes it’ll be something one could incorporate into their writing, or it might be inappropriately amusing, or it might be kind of touching, or… you know what?  We’ll justRead More →

It’s called texts from last night.    And, there’s some seriously wrong texts there.  So, if you’re at work, or your kid is looking over your shoulder, or your grandma, or you think semen or queefs are gross, or you even need to look up the word, queef, don’t go there and be mad at me. How is this related to romance or writing in any way?  It’s not.  It just makes me laugh.  And it’s link licker Thursday!Read More →