So, just so you know how exciting and full my life is, I thought I’d update you. I am about three-fourths of the way through my novella set in the fifties. I’m really excited about it. My heroine is one hot mess and it’s so interesting for me to watch her arc. My friend, Landra, tells me I only write really messed up characters. And she’s right. They’re my favorite. But in all fairness, I spent ten years in mental health. I think everyone is a little messed up. The fun is in the details. Anyway, it is my fervent hope to have this storyRead More →

I’m using my post this week to complain about the horrid commercialism of the holidays. No, no. It’s to celebrate finishing up my shopping and doing it all online because, damn, people are rude in stores this time of year. Now that I’ve got my bah, humbug out of the way, I’ll get to my real point. I’m suggesting the best kind of gift we can give, if we’re fortunate enough to be able to do so. I’m not going to lie and say my kids didn’t get gifts for themselves–oh, yeah. I’m awesome at Christmas gifts, by the way. But, I don’t like toRead More →

 Remember when the cat kept peeing on the bed and I looked it up online? And I told you she was stress-peeing? You laughed at me, but we switched her to wet food, and I mixed it with water, and that totally did fix it? Him: Yeah…? Me: Good times, good times. FYI, I have a need for rightness-reinforcement.Read More →

It’s that time of year again, when all of your writer friends start asking about your daily word count and offering up encouraging motivational quotes. Basically, everyone is writing but you. Well, and me. If you’re as determined as I am to not write (like that’s a necessary part of being a writer–whatever), here are some ideas to place in your procrastination bank. Play a game I, for example, sometimes play life simulation games. You know, like that Kim Kardashian superstar-for–no-reason-at-all game. I’m the one in the glasses (to show that there’s more to me than my amazing pouty lips and stunning eyes). You’ll noticeRead More →

P: Mom, you know that picture I drew, that’s on the front of my folder? Me: Uh-huh P: Well, this girl walked by me and she asked who drew it. I told her I did and she said, ‘You draw very well.’ Me: She said well? P: Yeah. She said I draw very well. Me: Go find her and be her best friend right now. She knows the difference between ‘good’ and ‘well.’ P: Okay. Sure, Mom. My priorities may be slightly skewed by the allure of good grammar.Read More →

Happiness, joy, life; all are things I’ve spent most of my time on this planet thinking about and working at. I’ve learned a bit, like the key to true happiness is personal responsibility. If someone else can make you happy, someone else can make you miserable. But if you make yourself happy, no one can take that away but you.Read More →

Happy Halloween!  Read More →

I think nearly everyone who is close to me laughs a little because I’m feeling-lady. I’ve had people tell me not to cry and I’ve actually had to explain that my tears were a natural expression of emotion and everything would be just fine. But, I also struggle to be more emotionally open to people, because I, like most Appalachian people, received a healthy dose of keep-your-private-business-private. I tell my daughter she and her friends are the oversharing generation. It’s all on FB (or Instagram or Twitter or, or, or). And yet, she nurses her hurts in private, like most of us. I think theyRead More →

Hint: It was not the lady in the unfortunate pants.Read More →

I’ve been struggling to come out of this block I’ve had for the last couple of weeks with my story. I’ve tried writing articles, bought myself a new padfolio from, and whined to my crit partner. A lot. When that didn’t help, I thought I’d look for some moving quote or bit of advice. I found this. Well. That was rather uninspiring. I do own this now, though, and that consolation can’t be measured.  Read More →