coatrSo, just so you know how exciting and full my life is, I thought I’d update you. I am about three-fourths of the way through my novella set in the fifties. I’m really excited about it.

My heroine is one hot mess and it’s so interesting for me to watch her arc. My friend, Landra, tells me I only write really messed up characters. And she’s right. They’re my favorite. But in all fairness, I spent ten years in mental health. I think everyone is a little messed up. The fun is in the details.

Anyway, it is my fervent hope to have this story all wrapped up by the end of the year. Meanwhile, when I’m not writing, and I need to think on something or I need to really not think at all, I crochet.

Domestic life has its perks. Like fiesty characters and crocheted coasters. Share on X


This week, I’m using clothesline and yarn to make coasters. I’ll leave you directions below. I can tell you that my ten-year-old and I are quite pleased with them. The rest of the house doesn’t really care. Doesn’t matter though. Much like writing, it’s the process that is magical.

Link: Awesome tutorial for crochet-rope-coasters

Photo used with permission from stock.xchng. Photo by: ariana873.

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