Today, I’m revealing the cover for Infamous, my upcoming novel from The Wild Rose Press. It’ll be available on December 14, 2016.

In exactly two months, you can read Infamous. I’ll update with pre-order links when I receive them (and include an excerpt).

Keep reading beyond the blurb to enter my Cover Release Giveaway! Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to receive freebies and other excerpts.Read More →

I’m over at Heart-Shaped Glasses today blogging about the benefits of writing groups. I’ve been part of my critique group for years and those are some seriously awesome women. Here’s a taste of that post. Here at Heart-Shaped Glasses, we’re not just author’s who blog together, we’re family. We started as a private online critique group which has evolved into so much more. Yes, there’s critiquing, which is invaluable. Especially when it’s from people who focus just as much with what’s right as what’s not working. I trust these ladies with my precious stories, I trust their experience, which probably (added together) is a lifetime ofRead More →

My favorite summer treats aren’t the usual ideas of summery fun. I did get to the beach this summer, and I’m adding a pic on the right of our last day there, where we caught the sunrise. You can’t see them in the picture (because I chose to enjoy the moment, rather than try to capture it and miss it), but dolphins were playing everywhere that morning. Back to my unusual summer treats; my favorite thing about summer is that my kids are home. (Mostly, if they’d stop visiting all the grandparents.) I know that part’s not so unusual. Lots of people enjoy that. TheRead More →

I know it’s the end of May and, shockingly, I’m as disorganized as ever. Still, I’m trying to add some personal essays, along with the random picture post, and (my most popular) writing posts. I know I mentioned a post or two ago, I’m no longer working. That’s a story I’ll share (eventually), but not today. Today (circling back to May / Mother’s Day masterfully) I want to share about my grandmother who gave me a deep, passionate, abiding love of reading. Growing up, my grandmother always had a Harlequin on the table beside where she sat. It was as certain as the sun risingRead More →

Today I signed and returned my publishing contract with The Wild Rose Press. I’m super excited to work with such an amazing group. I’ll update as I get more information but I can’t wait to share Justine and Sawyer’s story with the world. <3 (If you’ve already seen this on my Facebook, I’m sorry. I promise, this is the last time I’m going to say it. Out loud. I’m going to periodically say, “Oh my God, I actually got a publishing contract,” in my head over and over.)Read More →

Please forgive me for being absent this month–I promise I had a really good reason. I had surgery on December 5th. I’d prefer not to go into detail about it, but let’s leave it at “major surgery” with a significant recovery time. I’m feeling much better and I experienced no major complications, so I should be tweeting and writing again post-haste. xoxoRead More →

In honor of my blog turning eight, eight!, I am sharing my very first post this week. ink diva? yes, i am. I know, ink diva sounds a pit pretentious. But, I think we should all be divas, at least in our own minds. So monumentally great at whatever we’re passionate about, we reserve the right to, at least, think diva thoughts. So, I’m a diva. So are you. Take a moment to enjoy your fabulousness. But, you’re now wondering, why ink? Maybe you’re not wondering that, but in my head, you are. And in my head, I get to be the boss. Sometimes. So, whyRead More →

I am sure you’ve noticed my absence the last few weeks (big hole in your life, right?). I have come to a point recently where I have to prioritize. I can (and do) write every day. Unfortunately, I started writing blog posts before doing my WIP writing. Obviously, that’s defeating the purpose. I enjoy this site, but I love writing fiction more. So, from now on, I’ll definitely be blogging on the third Friday of the month (and I’m still available on Heart-Shaped Glasses on the 7th of every month). I hope to be able to become more active soon, but for now, we’ll all justRead More →

You can find my all-time, truly favorite things in my About Me section (if you care). I thought instead I’d share some items I’m very much enjoying at this point in my life. My table-top coffee warmer. Sure, in this age I can go make another cup from the Keurig, but wastefulness really drives me crazy. I drink coffee slowly and this keeps it hot and (relatively) fresh. And we all know how I love coffee. Or tea. Hot beverages in general? Whatever. Pilot Pen This Pilot pen reminds me of high school. Because of the dinosaurs, no one had invented this pen in retractableRead More →

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