Cover Reveal: Infamous – Coming 12.14.16

perf5.000x8.000.inddToday, I’m revealing the cover for Infamous, my upcoming novel from The Wild Rose Press. It’ll be available on December 14, 2016.

Go ahead, click the picture so you can see the full image. I’ll wait.

Isn’t it lovely? It was designed by RJ Morris. I’ve been sitting on this thing of beauty since July, waiting for my official release date.

In exactly two months, you can read Infamous. I’ll update with pre-order links when I receive them (and include an excerpt).

Keep reading beyond the blurb and excerpt to enter my Cover Release Giveaway! Don’t forget to sign up for my newsletter to receive freebies and other excerpts.


Justine Montgomery, daughter of a divorced beauty queen and TV magnate, is a tabloid disaster after her infamous sex tape. She’s so desperate to help save her family’s home she turns to her deal-making dad. Can she prove to him she’s cut out for a career in television or will she lose it all?

Sawyer has his own past and a successful career is his only goal. Seeing Justine fail would mean the promotion of a lifetime, but things get complicated when he develops feelings for her. Suddenly, the lines between work, life, sex, and love are blurry.

They will have to overcome the bitterness of a rejected ex, the controlling actions of her father, and the half-truths they’re telling one another to forge a lasting partnership both on the job and off the clock.


She tangled her fingers through the hair that covered her face and pushed it away. Next thing he knew, she’d wrapped her arms around his waist.

“Justine? Um… what are you doing?”

“I’m hugging you. Taking emotional comfort.”

“Like a leech.”

“Haven’t you ever hugged before?”

“I’ve never hugged anyone I wasn’t going to have sex with.”

“We’re not having sex.” She squeezed him tighter and rested her head on his shoulder. “Hug me back.”

Sawyer lifted his arms and wrapped them around her, his hands cupping her shoulders, pulling her closer. He dropped his head to rest on hers, and parts of him, so deep he couldn’t name them, pulled free and demanded his attention. Her hair smelled like fruit, the kind kids eat in the summer, juice dripping down their chins. “I’m fine with the hugging, but, just saying, I’m not responsible for any physical reaction hugging may induce.”

“Okay.” The word drifted out of her on a sigh.

He wasn’t equipped for this. There hadn’t been a lot of touching growing up, at least not the kind that didn’t end in a busted lip or a cracked rib. As an adult, there’d been lots of touching. But, not like this. The tighter he held her, the closer he wanted to be.

Cover Reveal: Infamous - Coming 12.14.16 #Romance #Giveaway | Love wasn't in her job description. Share on X


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  1. The cover is great and I loved the excerpt.

  2. Author

    Thank you! I’m so glad you liked them.

  3. Love the cover and the blurb. New author. Looking forward to reading this book!

  4. Author

    Thanks, Pamela. I’m very excited for Justine and Sawyer to meet the world.

  5. Love the cover, and your excerpt is marvelous. Nothing like a good hug, opens up all those old wounds! Good luck. Anni xx

  6. Author

    Thanks so much for stopping by, Anni. I’m glad you enjoyed the excerpt.

  7. The blurb and cover has me hooked, I am not sure if I can wait until mid December. I am excited to see the development of both relationships: Justin and Sawyer as well as Justine and her Father.

  8. Author

    Thank you so much for your comment, John. It’s a bumpy ride on both fronts, to be sure.

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