This is a conversation between my husband and I, and the inspiration for this new series of posts. H: We should buy a boat. Me: We’re not buying a boat. H: You need to sell a book. Me: That’s true. But we won’t be able to buy a boat. H: We could get a sleeper. I don’t think you’d want any other kind, because they don’t have bathrooms. Me: You got that right. So, it’s like camping? H: On the water. [Said with the reverence one might use to say, “On the sun.”] Me: And they lock? Because what if someone tries to break in?Read More →

The other day, I was driving to work. And I turned on the radio, like ya do, when work is only ten minutes away and it’s too much work to dig out a CD and you’re running late anyway. And Hey, Soul Sister by Train was on the radio. And, it’s an earworm. Try to deny it. But, then, I realized this song is always like an accident you can’t look away from for me. Because it’s all, “Oh, that’s pretty. Poetic, even.” And then you’re all, “What did you just say? Why… why would you say that?” You know I come with examples. YourRead More →

It’s kinda late and I have to get up early tomorrow which explains why I am wasting time on Facebook. But, luckily I was. Because two different ads showed me what is the “perfect blend of horror and comedy.” It’s horrmedy. First of all, apparently, the cabin in the woods that everyone is so afraid of is a Rubik’s cube. Ever wondered what it would be like to LIVE in a Rubik’s cube? Probably “sexy, funny, scary, and bold.” And, second? Is that mouth thing supposed to scare me? A mouthful of razor sharp teeth with a mouthful of razor sharp teeth? For all thatRead More →

As mentioned on many occasions, I have become a full on convert to the digital reading experience. However, I still enjoy the occasional magazine (I got suckered into a year’s subscription when my kid was fundraising so she could have a fifty cent toy).

So, I’m scanning through the magazine, and I see this ad.Read More →

I am running so late with these, you guys!  I have to be at work in a little over an hour, so I’m just throwing them up here. Look.  Laugh.  Appreciate the seriousness.  Take some blame.  Learn to share with your sister, damn it. The 15 Funniest Autocorrects from July by This just makes me laugh until I scare people. An example: |Expletive| Cancer by (via the fabulous Jen Lawson): Cancer sucks.  And more things you didn’t know about it.  But you should. Au Revoir, Borders by Rachelle Gardner:  She basically takes all the blame for the Borders closings.  But, then, it’s my fault, too.Read More →

Bringing the visual and video funny and two useful and frugal articles. Comic Flowchart on How To Deal With Internet Arguments by Scott Beale (via Sonya Thomas and Lory Manrique-Hyland): A flow chart. So, if you do engage in the insanity of arguing online, you know what comes next. If Male Superheroes Posed Like Wonder Woman submitted by Rich Johnston on Bleeding Cool (via Jezebel and Mardou Ledger): Hilarious drawings of male superheroes, obviously, posed in the I’m-so-sexy-I’m-dangerous pose of Wonder Woman. Book Trailer for The Highlander Trilogy by Maya Banks made by Tessa Dare (via Gina Bernal): Okay, here’s the story. Maya Banks (website) bidRead More →

You guys remember how, through some odd google rankings and a few posts I did on zombie research, and zombie love, and how google kept asserting me as a zombie expert, I somehow became the zombie queen? Okay, you probably don’t, but that’s why I’m reminding you.

Anyway, in my role of zombie expert, I’ve got a couple of links for you. The first, from, comes an advice article about how to date a zombie.Read More →

My friend Carole wrote on her blog yesterday about being scared of the dark. I’m terrified of the dark. Actually, I’m terrified of a lot of things. I had a very over-active imagination as a child. Basements horrified me, giving me recurring nightmares where I was stranded in a basement for no apparent reason, with a door behind me that was going to open at any second and reveal the creature behind it. I would scream for help, and the tiniest squeak would come out. My movements became futile, I moved as if underwater. Unable to scream, unable to move, and then the door wouldRead More →

Just so you know: “zombie love”.  700 impressions. I couldn’t make this stuff up. “Dirty sex.”  I’m ranked 210th in all of google for dirty sex.  That takes you here: Vintage Inspiration I don’t care who you are, there’s some perverse pride in writing in a notebook like this. It says, loud and proud, though without actually speaking, “Yeah. I’m probably writing dirty sex scenes. You gotta problem with that?” Or something like that. Maybe that’s just me, your mileage my vary. Yeah.  It doesn’t get any hotter or dirtier than that, baby.Read More →

I already have a post set to go live tomorrow, but I couldn’t NOT post this newest link licker find.  Well, it’s not so much a find, as I’ve known Carole for years and she really is this amusing (as well as kind and wise) all of the time. I’m including her latest post below the fold, but I deeply urge you to go to her site and read the rest of her offerings.  She’s truly brilliant.Read More →