I’ve noticed in the several years I’ve been on twitter, and followed many writerly folk, that interactions have changed. Instead of us all sharing our experiences, new behaviors have taken shape. The only interaction you have with anyone is, “Hey, I have a book. Buy it now!” I don’t mind if you tell me you have a book. I’ve gotten some cool books from people I already liked on Twitter. What I mind is when you only try to sell me a book. Try to sell me a book. every. 5. seconds. When does slamming someone with advertising ever work? If someone asks you to doRead More →

  So, I love sending people articles I find (which is why I’m going to be adding more of those here) but I’m picky about how they look. I don’t share from feedly because it creates a big word regurgitation that no one will want to read. I like pocket, because it provides previews and I can even share quotes. But, even I recognize how ridiculous it is to send something to pocket only to find it and share it later. Let’s ease back on the OCD, shall we? And so I discovered this. It’s beautiful, neat, and it encourages others to go to theRead More →

I think it’s probably an understatement to say I’ve flirted with depression and have an ongoing relationship with anxiety. I call it being “high-strung,” mostly because that sounds prettier than “I’m a wreck.” My boss and I joked today about how my insomnia is directly related to all the things I can stay up at night worrying about. It’s a fact. I’m always looking for ways to find my joy. That’s another one of those phrases I’ve coined. A person, every last one of us, should work to be happy. Research shows that people who keep gratitude journals were way more awesome, and successful, and etc.Read More →

I described in my last post how full my life has recently become. I won’t complain– I’m thankful for it. Most of the time. And sometimes I do complain, but I try to limit it to those nearest my heart who know I occasionally need to vent. All the same, I need time to write. That has to come first. And so, this blog will be on hiatus until November 1, 2013. Let’s all hope I’ve acquired better time management skills by then. You can still find me @ Heart-Shaped Glasses every month, on the 7th, and on the web elsewhere (see the column on theRead More →


However, because I am not a rich person who can drop a bundle on a new Kindle (coming this week!) and a bunch of accessories, I have a plan.Read More →

Paper books. Mmm, is there anything like that smell? A little vanilla, a little ducking into the library to read because you don’t really fit anywhere.

But, then, the idea started to grow on me. Never being without a book because I can slip this small, lightweight techno-gadget in my purse. I’m a techie kind of girl.My two favorite things had made a sweet little baby capable of holding a thousand books.Read More →

I am so smart. Not really. I sort of screwed up. That’s what happened to the lost posts.

I screwed up.

This post is kind of rambly (that’s not a word–I just made it up) so if you want to know where they were, just skip to the last line.

Otherwise: at some point, I set this blog up so people could register, which I’m pretty sure does nothing, at all. Except, I can also set it up so you don’t have to go through spam moderation if you’re registered. Which, I’ve never done. Mostly because of the hundreds of registered users, they were all spammers.Read More →

There seems to be about 20 posts missing. Old ones, but still some worth keeping. I can’t find them anywhere. They’re not in the database or under the couch cushions. I’m hopeful that I can extract them and upload them from a database backup. But… we’ll see. That may be beyond my ability. Anyway, if you happen upon a 404 error in a link, feel free to email me or leave a comment on the contact page.  Thank you! Update 06.04.2012: I found my words. You’ll never believe where I left them.Read More →

Within a few hours of my notification, the entire site had been suspended. Today, when I went back to the offending post, it’s gone.

Someone did something wrong. And I stood up for myself. And it worked out.

Is it sad, because that happens so rarely, I’m actually shocked?Read More →

A couple of weeks ago I wrote a post. I’m not going to tell you which one because… okay, let me tell the story first. So, a post. I publish it and it’s not even about anything (as usual). It’s not even one of my posts that people occasionally find useful (like the one on Kindlefeeder, or The Hero’s Journey in Clash of the Titans, or some of the writing posts). The day after I published it, I caught a weird pingback in my spam filter. I get those all the time when I link to one of my older posts but this one wasn’tRead More →