Release Day for Infamous!

I’m so excited! Today is the day my book goes out into the wild, into readers hands, to (hopefully) be enjoyed and give readers a respite from their stressful lives.

I received a glowing review from The Genre Minx. Here are some quotes:

“Believable, charismatic and entertaining!”

“The pages just sizzled with smoldering desire between Justine and Sawyer.”

“If you are looking for a book that will engage you from beginning to end, then I recommend this book to you!”

You can find the full review here.

I’d also like to share the full options of buy links with you because not everyone wants to buy from Amazon. For what it’s worth, new releases are 50% off on release day at The Wild Rose Press, so if you’ve been unsure and decide to buy today, I’d suggest you go there.

Buy Links

Amazon | Barnes & Noble | iBooks | Kobo
All Romance | BookStrand | Goodreads

Thank you for all your support through the years. If you do decide to try Infamous, I truly hope you enjoy it!


  1. Author

    Thanks so much, Kimberly. It was a great day!

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