I personally think readers are of superior intellect. I mean it takes some gray matter to take in words and transform them in our minds to a living, thriving story made up of people and places we’ve never seen.
However, we still get a bad rep. Actually, if we got a bad rep, that might be cool. No, we’re lumped in as nerds (which I also proudly am, but that’s for another day).
So, in no particular order, five things people who read are sick of hearing.
1. I’ll just watch the movie.
Are you kidding me? Name three movies better than the books. Oh, wait. You can’t. I’m done with you.
2. You spent how much on books?
That’s between me, the IRS, and God. And I’m pretty confident God likes readers, given the size of His Book.
3. Wouldn’t you rather do something more fun?
Clearly, this is a trick questions since there isn’t anything more fun. Boom.
4. How can you read that [insert genre] crap?
With pleasure, sir or madame. I read it with no shame, whenever I can get it, with pleasure. Now you’re jealous of me.
5. How many book can you actually read?
Ask me when I’m dead. Obviously another trick question. I’m trying to read all the books.
Now, please, go make some tea and let me read in peace.
This is absolutely true! I love it.