So, I’m a little late to the party. I’ve heard people raving about this book for a long time. So I downloaded the sample. And I couldn’t stop–come on. And so I devoured this book. But, it wasn’t all in one sitting. Like Josh and his chocolate Easter egg, I wanted to savor it.
This book gets about eleven million stars from me, so that translates to: go buy it. NOW. It’s worth all 899 pennies. It’s better than a movie ticket and you can make your popcorn at home. I’m kidding–home popcorn is never as good as movie popcorn. But it’s so good, you won’t even notice.
Beware, spoilers ahead. Come back and read this once you’ve read the book.
DAfRN: The Hating Game
- Really smart grown-up lady (who is kind of a pushover): he’s in love with you. If he knows exactly how to push your buttons, knows all about your life, and then hate-kisses you in an elevator until you can’t walk straight, he’s in love with you.
- If he covers you in paintball, when that’s not the plan, and steps in front of the pelting you’re about to take… he’s in love with you.
- If he spends the weekend at your apartment and calls his brother who is supposedly a “nice guy,” just because you’re sick… if he holds your hair while you throw up… if he’s seen you at your worst and still thinks “you’re always beautiful,” he’s in love with you.
- If he is obviously looking for other jobs because he can’t imagine taking away your dream position, and you forced him to say he’d quit if you got it, then, guess what? He’s in love with you.
- If he takes you home as his fake date to a wedding, even though no one–including you–is acting like it’s fake, and his family already knows everything about you, well, he’s. in. love. with. you.
Get the picture? <3
P.S. If you haven’t read my new book, My Fake Vegas Boyfriend, you’d better hurry. Book two, My Big Fat Vegas Wedding, comes out April 10th. You can read chapter one of book one here.