- Ideas to break writer’s block caused by hitting a dead end, including things like making your character very sad and disappointed with life. And her husband. And her best friend. | Your Novel’s Going Nowhere by Gail Gaymer Martin
- This woman is a freaking genius. If you see a blog post or tweet or book with her name, just do yourself a favor and buy it. | Deadly Sin of Writing #7–Treating the Reader Like a Moron by Kristen Lamb
- Even though it may make you seem like crazy writer lady (or man), it’s useful for many reasons. | Writing to Read Aloud by Elizabeth S Craig
- It happens. With the best of intentions, a critique group sucks the life out of your novel because you don’t trust your own instincts enough to cull the good advice from the bad. | I rewrote my novel through a critique group but I’ve lost my way by Roz Morris
- Not an article, this is an incredible writer’s resource you need right now. | The Bookshelf Muse by Angela Ackerman and Becca Puglisi
When available, the author link goes to their Twitter page. If I tell you who linked me to the article, it’s so you can follow those clever people on twitter. Because I love twitter. And you should, too.
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