Get Your Very Own GMC Spreadsheet!

Working on a new story that I’m really excited about.  Written down my backstory, written where my characters are immediately before the story starts.  Now I’m working on the GMC charts* for my two protags, my secondary characters, and my one (maybe two?) antagonists.  Once I have this, it will be awesome and make the story better to the nth degree.  But, how much do I hate doing these?  I always have to get the book out and go over the parts I highlighted (thankful for that foresight, go me) and make sure I have concrete, measurable external goals and then the internal part which should be easier but somehow isn’t.

Then, I think, I’m going to write little autobiographies in character voice.  And this, friends, is why I need a novel notebook.  Let me know about your process–comment!


*The file above is an MS Excel Spreadsheet template. A screencap is included to the left, click to enlarge. It was virus free when it left my computer, but because I don’t want any mean emails, etc., you are downloading at your own risk, I make no guarantees as to how it will affect your computer.  Usual rules apply.  Use it all you want, but don’t share it.  Just link back here.  Thanks!

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