Today I signed and returned my publishing contract with The Wild Rose Press. I’m super excited to work with such an amazing group. I’ll update as I get more information but I can’t wait to share Justine and Sawyer’s story with the world. <3 (If you’ve already seen this on my Facebook, I’m sorry. I promise, this is the last time I’m going to say it. Out loud. I’m going to periodically say, “Oh my God, I actually got a publishing contract,” in my head over and over.)Read More →

Pygmalion. My Fair Lady. Pretty Woman. You can call them transformation stories, but at their heart, it’s ugly duckling syndrome. And they just get under my skin. Here’s why:Read More →

I know that last time I was here, I discussed my surgery and apologized for being MIA. Well, just as I was making my comeback, I became septic. Not to be too dramatic, but I was in the hospital for eight days and nearly died. For real, I’m not exaggerating for effect. However, I’m well now and finally starting to get my bearings physically as well as mentally and emotionally. I’m back, for real. Tomorrow I’ll post my writing tweets since last time, and then I’ll continue doing so weekly. I’ll also be blogging on the third Friday monthly and I’m very excited to beRead More →

Please forgive me for being absent this month–I promise I had a really good reason. I had surgery on December 5th. I’d prefer not to go into detail about it, but let’s leave it at “major surgery” with a significant recovery time. I’m feeling much better and I experienced no major complications, so I should be tweeting and writing again post-haste. xoxoRead More →

I recently decided to jump on the bandwagon and read Hollywood Dirt. I couldn’t put it down until it was all gone. Plus, can you say, “Hot, hot, hot?” The heroine is just a normal girl from the South, so I thought dating advice would be totally helpful from this book (even if the hero is the hottest actor alive). Dating Advice from Romance Novels: Hollywood Dirt Always sleep in your good red panties and leave the front door unlocked. And sleep late, at least until a crazy sexy guy shows up to be overwhelmed by your hotness. Play hard to get. Apparently, that’s theRead More →

It’s a brand new month! Well, it’s the end of a brand new month, but I have new faves this month, all the same. (I  misspelled that bran both times, as if I’m feeling irregular or something.) I finished my second 1950s novella and I’m plotting my third (and final) one to hopefully pound out during NaNoWriMo. There’s this awesome new website called One Stop for Writers. It’s by the maker or Scrivener and the writers of the Emotional Thesaurus. It’s so amazing, you guys. Setting thesaurus, idea generators, Color and Pattern Thesaurus, Positive Traits and Negative Traits… I could go on and on. I won’t, but IRead More →

Actual thing I just had to say: Don’t do wild jazz hands while your sister is trying to do math. Math and jazz hands do NOT go together.Read More →

In honor of my blog turning eight, eight!, I am sharing my very first post this week. ink diva? yes, i am. I know, ink diva sounds a pit pretentious. But, I think we should all be divas, at least in our own minds. So monumentally great at whatever we’re passionate about, we reserve the right to, at least, think diva thoughts. So, I’m a diva. So are you. Take a moment to enjoy your fabulousness. But, you’re now wondering, why ink? Maybe you’re not wondering that, but in my head, you are. And in my head, I get to be the boss. Sometimes. So, whyRead More →

I am sure you’ve noticed my absence the last few weeks (big hole in your life, right?). I have come to a point recently where I have to prioritize. I can (and do) write every day. Unfortunately, I started writing blog posts before doing my WIP writing. Obviously, that’s defeating the purpose. I enjoy this site, but I love writing fiction more. So, from now on, I’ll definitely be blogging on the third Friday of the month (and I’m still available on Heart-Shaped Glasses on the 7th of every month). I hope to be able to become more active soon, but for now, we’ll all justRead More →

I am reading all the Megan Mulry books I can get my hands on (like I do when I discover a new-to-me fave author).  Without further ado, some guidance at looooove. Dating Advice from Romance Novels: If the Shoe Fits Save your v-card for just the right opportunity, then toss it aside for a fling, because that guy might turn out to be the love of your life. It’s really awkward when your dad comes in the morning after. Even when you’re in your twenties. It’s doubly awkward when you bring a fake boyfriend to make your fling jealous, then forget the poor slob to hangRead More →