Much as I am afraid you’ll see this, rush over to and buy them all, I have to share how adorable this wallet (and dozens of others) are. My only consolation is that I probably don’t have enough readers to overwhelm the warehouse there. At any rate, go look at this and all the other fantastic products–some one of a kind. And yes, Mom. This would make a fabulous birthday gift. Sorry, that wallet is, in fact, no longer available.  The link now takes you to a plethora of wallet and bag choices.Read More →

Okay, I’m not up to the level of fugging punniliciousness as these fuggers, but I tried. Go Fug Yourself, if you feel like wasting a few minutes making fun of very badly dressed (and occasionally nipple-flashing!) celebrities.Read More →

Every Thursday, I’ll be adding links to sites that I enjoy or find offensive (or both, who doesn’t love both!) or find just plain unbelievable. This isn’t the blogroll and this isn’t sites to see (which are purely writing related). These are just sites that caught my attention. If you have an idea for one, email me or post it in the comments. The category name is a shout out to those Orbit gum commercials, which I find hilarious. If you’ve never seen it, keep your eyes open, and you will. And then you will laugh, inappropriately. Since this is, in fact, Friday we’ll startRead More →

I bought GMC by Debra Dixon. It’s genius, I’d heard, and it’s true. It’s like having someone explain brain surgery in a book you can read in a day or two, and you finish and say, “Duh.” Before I go on, I’d like to point out that used copies can go for more then $40 on Amazon. I love Amazon, nothing against Amazon, but you can purchase the book from the publisher for $19.95. Worth every dime, btw. If you really want to know how useful it is, just google GMC and Dixon. You’ll find thousands of hits. That’s how widely accepted, adopted, and appreciatedRead More →

My site disappeared for a few days. I wrote my very friendly hosts and asked what the problem might be. Seems my server died and went to pc heaven. If I had a backup of the site, they’d be happy to restore it for me. Um, a what? So. They somehow found a backup for me from about six months ago, and really that was above and beyond. But one of my graphics lost all her little kilobytes. She is kaput. And I have no backup of that either. Yes, I know. Shocking. So, for now, I’ve made a placeholder one. But… maybe this placeRead More →

I know, ink diva sounds a pit pretentious. But, I think we should all be divas, at least in our own minds. So monumentally great at whatever we’re passionate about, we reserve the right to, at least, think diva thoughts. So, I’m a diva. So are you. Take a moment to enjoy your fabulousness. But, you’re now wondering, why ink? Maybe you’re not wondering that, but in my head, you are. And in my head, I get to be the boss. Sometimes. So, why ink? Who writes with pen and paper anymore when backspace is so much less messy than correction fluid? I do. NotRead More →