Picture It: Vegas, 1958

I have some news: I recently signed a contract with After Glows Publishing to publish my three novellas, all set in Las Vegas, 1958. (Psst: They published my Cupid’s Cafe book, Exactly Like You.)

The stories center around a very dysfunctional Italian-American family, specifically two brothers and their younger sister. We start with Layla (the sister) and she is in a pinch.

I’d tell you more, but those little blurbs of information haven’t seen the editor yet. And I don’t have covers or a release date.

But, YAY! I get to share all three stories with you next year.

Sign up for my newsletter, if you can’t wait to find out more, because they get all the details first. I love them. Not more than you, but why not join them so all the people I love are together? And if you don’t want to sign up for my newsletter, that’s ok. I’ll share updates and information here. There’s so much research involved in writing a story set in a real city sixty years ago.

Until next month, I thank you for your supportĀ so. much.



  1. Author

    Thanks so much, Kimberly. I’m very excited!

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