I’d love to have this book. (Makes a note to add to Amazon wishlist).  I’ve been reading the bitches for a couple of years now and I love them.  They’re funny “like damn and whoa,” they have awesome commenters, they call their readers the bitchery, and they’ve got something to say.  We shouldn’t be ashamed of loving our romances.  Hold those Fabio covers up proudly and proclaim to the world, “Yes, I am a smart bitch and I freaking love trashy novels!” Found: A video made by assorted pubbed romance authors endorsing the greatness of their book (above).Read More →

A friend (an awesome friend who I love, fyi) bought this book, Revision & Self-Editing, for me after I featured it on Material Girl. I was correct in my assessment that it would be helpful.  It is, in fact, extremely informative.  James Scott Bell covers all the elements of writing: character, POV, scenes, plot & structure, etc.  Each chapter offers valuable exercises and techniques.  I couldn’t recommend this book more. (Thanks again, Jen!)Read More →

A friend directed me to this site Tuesday. It’s dozens of desktops, very nice desktops, with a March calender to boot. (I got the underwater one, if you’re interested.) Smashing Magazine: Desktop March Wallpaper CalenderRead More →

This book, by Kelly St. John*, broke several big rules. There was no clear antagonist. The majority of the book, the heroine and hero’s relationship doesn’t immediately progress to HEA simply because of verbal misunderstanding and some insecurity and doubt on both parts. And the end? The black moment is based on a huge misunderstanding that the heroine won’t give the hero a chance to explain. It breaks all the rules I’ve read, and yet… it’s a really good book. I love the characters, I enjoyed watching as they fell harder for one another (since they both basically start with major crushes). Despite the misunderstandingRead More →

This is a link to the critique group that I joined recently.  It’s already made a huge improvement in my writing because I see my weaknesses, and my strengths, much easier now.  Add to that, it’s a great group of people and it’s a lot of fun reading all the great stories from so many talented writers.  If you decide to join, say hi to me! Romance CrittersRead More →

Today’s Material Girl link won’t cost you a dime*. Enjoy it, that’s pretty rare. It’s called Lovely Charts (a hug for my friend Kris for thinking of me when she saw it). I tried it out, and it is lovely. It comes ready to build several different types of flow charts, including people. How’s that for connecting your characters? I happen to have drawn one of these before, using tables in Word–it’s not fun. Lovely Charts? Fun. *Update 6.29.2011: It’s no longer free.  Sorry! *Update 11.22.2016: Site is now defunct. Goodbye Lovely Charts.Read More →

Surprising things you can get for free. (Not soap, though.) Like your credit report (no seriously!) and a savings account and… well, just read the article. Very cool.Read More →

I finished Ex and the Single Girl.  This isn’t a review in the strictest sense.  I’d never call someone out to condemn work they killed themselves to do.  I’m not downing people who do, reviewers are important to us as readers.  But as a writer, I’m going to respect the work whether I like the book or not. That out of the way, I loved this book.  When I enjoy a book, I make a point to note what I particularly enjoyed about it, because it gives me more range as a writer.  I loved the friendship between Portia and Ian as it developed.  ItRead More →

Thumb drive, flash drive, jump drive… they have lots of names but what they do is save your life in the case of a computer catastrophe.  I once lost 150 pages when my hard drive crashed.  That’s when I bought mine.  So, here’s an adorable one.  You don’t have to have a cute one, I just liked it.Read More →

I just watched this, Saturday night, and I’m still so in LOVE with this story, and the characters–Holly Golightly, I adore you, and you’re crazy yet vulnerable way of living!  Paul!  Fred, Darling, I love that you’re a freaking manwhore and the hero–and you pull it off! I want to read the book, I want to own the movie (I netflixed it) so that whenever I feel sad, I can watch this movie and make my heart smile again.Read More →