Friday Mashup 08.26.2011 - Lori Sizemore
I am running so late with these, you guys! I have to be at work in a little over an hour, so I’m just throwing them up here. Look. Laugh. Appreciate the seriousness. Take some blame. Learn to share with your sister, damn it. The 15 Funniest Autocorrects from July by DamnYouAutoCorrect.com: This just makes me laugh until I scare people. An example: |Expletive| Cancer by xkcd.com (via the fabulous Jen Lawson): Cancer sucks. And more things you didn’t know about it. But you should. Au Revoir, Borders by Rachelle Gardner: She basically takes all the blame for the Borders closings. But, then, it’s my fault, too.Read More →
Lori, @lorisizemore